Coffee Creations – A Healthier Way of Caffeine Consumption
If you’re googling “is coffee bad” and this article came up, you won’t find your answer. If you’re googling “how to have coffee and still reach goals”, keep reading- you’re in the right place.
An Introduction
Is coffee bad for you? Coffee, as is in the coffee bean, itself can increase cholesterol and cause issues when consumed in high quantities. Caffeine, from your coffee, can cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms, as well as jitters and decreased focus.
But, I find that often the association with “coffee” and “bad” is the way we make our coffee. So here I am to help.
Coffee Ingredients:
Coffee Beans: coffee beans can indeed contain tiny mold spores and bacteria when they are not properly farmed, harvested, stored, and cooked. If you are susceptible to mold allergens, have a constant struggle with inflammation or infection, or in general do not respond well to exposures to bacteria, coffee may be a concern. However, we find that there are amazing brands out there that make wonderful coffee that is clean, organic, not harvested with chemicals, and not stored moldy. We love FourSigmatic Coffee. They have a focus (caffeinated) and a chill (decaf) option that are absolutely delicious. So far so good, right?
Water: well, again, water can contain pharmaceutical reminants and other harmful toxins, so aim for Reverse Osmosis Filtered water in your coffee creations. We love the Water Filtration Systems from Express Water if you are in need of a good option! (Not an affiliate link, just helping ya out here!)
Cream/Milk: Alright, time to shake the coconut tree. We know milk is meant to fatten baby cows. We know cream is all the good stuff, concentrated. So adding it to coffee doesn’t seem like a great idea when “fattening yourself up” isn’t the goal. But who doesn’t love a good Cold Foam topper?? For added protein, we love using Soy Milk, Organic, Unsweetened Original. For some frothy deliciousness on top, we love using Silk Half & Half Creamer! If you’re not a fan of soy, cashew is a great alternative. Options like almond milk and oat milk are delicious, and avoid the extra fat, but they don’t have a ton of nutritional value and often contain a lot of added sugars.
Sugar: Okay, let’s be real. Do you drink coffee with sugar or sugar with coffee?? Especially when Peppermint Mochas are out! But the added sugar leaves us spiraling glucose issues, and unbalances our protein. So, what are some better options? Artificial sweeteners are linked with cancer, pretend sugars like agave still spike blood sugar, and coffee without sweet serves the sole purpose of fueling your caffeine consumption- not quite as enjoyably so. Good news, research shows Monk Fruit, Stevia, and Sugar Alcohols are still moderately safe, with minimal if any harmful effects on the body. They taste delicious, don’t contain chemicals, and don’t spike our blood sugar or contain calories. Check out the options below for Vanilla Stevia Sweetener, and RxSugar flavor options for those more fun options.
Drizzles: The pretty stuff on top? Yeah, it’s straight sugar, chemical, and food dye. But don’t worry- I’ve got you covered. Check out Lily’s Stevia sweetened chips, and melt those babies down to make your own drizzle! Caramel Chocolate Chip, Peppermint, you name it, they have it!
Flavoring: This one is tough. Most flavoring is artificial (check out the definition here)- basically, it’s not food. It’s straight chemical. Which is frustrating on it’s own. And then if you apply the concepts from Mark Schatzker in the Dorito Effect (REad it here- not an affiliate link), you’ll be dumping them down the drain before you know it. Try food-grade essential oils and extras such as the ones from simple truth organic, or use a combo product like Caramel RxSugar!
Toppings: the crumbly things on top? Yeah… just enjoy those 😉
How to Order:
The quick and dirty- if you’re ordering something off the menu, swap milk for soy, and half anything that’s sweet. Avoid “sugar free”- your body doesn’t know what to do with these, might as well just have the sugar. And remember to “B.L.E.N.D.” Balance, limit, enjoy, nourish, and dilute. Check out Jess’ 6 week challenge for more details on BLEND. Get a large, because it’s the same amount of coffee with more water added. And enjoy.
How to Make at Home-
Stock up your cabinets with the greats! Add protein sources such as Marine Collagen, Super Protein Powders, and Super Coffee with added mushrooms for extra nutrients. Invest in a foamer, and perhaps even a whip cream maker, and keep the Soy milk on hand. Find some fun jars for your stevia chips, pick up some rxsugar and stevia, and enjoy the recipes below!
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