Effective evangelism starts with meeting people where they are, in their suffering. The suffering of illness is a universal human experience. By caring for the sick in the manner commanded by Jesus Christ in Luke 10:9, we become evangelists.
Everyone involved with MyCatholicDoctor is asked to prayerfully follow the Holy Spirit’s inspiration in discerning how to respond to this call in their daily work.
These Divinely inspired words of Sacred Scripture in Luke 10:9 may be truly understood in many ways, and they contain innumerable graces for us. Every Catholic is called to evangelize, and so we must respond to the call of God, first by seeking to know Him in prayer.
Everyone at MyCatholicDoctor is asked to seek personal holiness and encouraged to cultivate a daily prayer life, to know, love, and serve God in this world and to be happy with Him forever in the next.
We especially pray for the sick and for Catholic healthcare providers.
We sponsor a prayer and worship service including the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily at 3 pm from our main Eucharistic adoration chapel. This is open to the public, led by our staff and clinicians and livestreamed on certain occasions.
We collect and share prayer requests on our website and email lists.
We print prayer intention cards and other prayer materials.
We provide public education regarding Catholic healthcare, including:
- the benefits of uniquely Catholic approaches to medical care
- the moral and ethical teachings of the Catholic church
- The differences between secular and Catholic healthcare
- Access to Catholic healthcare
Our education endeavors include:
- Promotion of Catholic healthcare through the media, including but not limited to online and print publications, radio, podcasts, television and more
- Public speaking on Catholic healthcare at conferences and other events
- Grand Rounds for clinicians, accredited by the American Academy of Family Practice for continuing medical education
- Public webinar series “Catholic Wellness Answers” regarding the benefits of Catholic healthcare
- Online Magazine, “Catholic Medical News and Views”
- News releases regarding issues in Catholic healthcare
- Emails in support of Catholic healthcare, email automation, education campaigns
- Social media promotion of Catholic healthcare services
- Printed education materials on Catholic healthcare