Let’s face it- who isn’t a bit stressed right now? But did you know that chronic stress and trauma can affect your pain levels and your healing times in Physical Therapy?
Have you been dealing with issues such as:
Non-Specific Medical Diagnoses: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia?
Stress, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, or Substance-Dependency?
A traumatic event or accumulation of those ever-draining daily traumas?
Insomnia or other sleep disturbances?
Traditional PT alone that did not get you back to 100%?
For children: You may see issues such as difficulty concentrating, changes in behavior, or unexplained headaches/stomach aches that are unrelated to an actual medical issue.
The common thread of these issues is the dysfunction of your nervous system! As Physical Therapists, we can treat you with a technique that not only addresses your orthopedic need, but also your underlying nervous system imbalance. Learn to balance your “flight or flight” response and gain home tools to retrain your brain for when triggers occur, improving both your physical and mental health.
Message Dr. Stecklein with your questions to learn more about how to reduce the chronic stress in your life with the addition of physical therapy services.
Author: Dr. Jillian Stecklein, Director of Physical Therapy Services with MyCatholicDoctor
Editor: Samantha Wright, Marketing Director with MyCatholicDoctor
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