MyCatholicDoctor Offers Support for High-Risk Pregnancy, Traumatic Delivery and NICU Infants Trinity Sunday, on June 12, 2022, began with blood. Not the blood of the Passion or the Precious Blood of the transubstantiation at Holy Mass. In fact, I did not even make it to Mass that Sunday. Trinity Sunday began with my blood hemorrhagingRead more
Summer is approaching, and every year the summer arrives with full force in my ER: cuts, ticks, poison ivy, infected bug bites, sun burns, eye injuries, broken bones, and all other kinds of summer fun gone wrong. Luckily, you can easily treat or prevent much of the summer craziness if you are prepared. Being preparedRead more
My two year old had a fever the other day, so I went digging under the bathroom sink for a thermometer. To my surprise, I found eight thermometers, each of a different type. I have been a parent for seven and a half years, and I have four kids.* This means I have bought, onRead more