• 10 Reasons Why You Need A Catholic Doctor

    10 Reasons Why You Need A Catholic Doctor

    1) You need a doctor who really cares about YOU: Doctors and other healthcare professionals are trying to keep a lot of people happy– employers, drug companies, the government. You need a doctor who cares about YOU and your health. Find a doctor who answers to you and God, not their employer. Independent physicians haveRead more

  • Helping Patients Choose Their Healthcare Clinician

    Helping Patients Choose Their Healthcare Clinician

    Virtually everything we interact with these days allows for a high degree of personal choice, whether it be the precise toppings and condiments you want on your fast food hamburger, the color and style of your smart phone case, or even the options and personalization you can put on the car you own. We areRead more

  • Telehealth Makes Catholic Healthcare Accessible

    Telehealth Makes Catholic Healthcare Accessible

    The universal human experience of illness is a powerful time to recognize that suffering is redemptive and an opportunity to grow in holiness. We also recognize that healing is primarily a work of God, though many times this healing work comes to us in gratitude through the skilled hands of medical professionals, therapists, educators, clergyRead more

  • 10 Reasons Why You Need A Pro-Life Doctor

    10 Reasons Why You Need A Pro-Life Doctor

    1) Ethical Alignment: Even if you are just seeking care for a sinus infection, choosing a pro-life doctor means that your healthcare dollars will support pro-life work. A pro-life doctor shares your values and beliefs regarding the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. This alignment ensures that your medical care is consistentRead more

  • Patients Respond Eagerly to Faithful Catholic Healthcare
  • The Truth about Tanning

    The Truth about Tanning

    If you’ve ever used a tanning bed – even once – you have a 75% increased risk of melanoma.  And if you’ve been a tanning salon regular, you have up to a 400% increased risk of melanoma, according to Brundha Balaraman, MD, a dermatologist at Washington University in St. Louis.  Dr. Balaraman sees the tragicRead more

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