The universal human experience of illness is a powerful time to recognize that suffering is redemptive and an opportunity to grow in holiness. We also recognize that healing is primarily a work of God, though many times this healing work comes to us in gratitude through the skilled hands of medical professionals, therapists, educators, clergy and others. Through illness and healing the Kingdom of God comes near to us (see Luke 10:9). Catholic healthcare professionals not only provide state-of-the-art, effective and ethical medical care but also accompany patients in their suffering and healing. They recognize the infinite soul and infinite value contained within the patients they treat.
Catholic Clinicians
But where are these Catholic healthcare clinicians? Where can I find a Catholic ObGyn who practices according to all the ethical and religious directives? Where can I find a Catholic pediatrician who respects my role as my child’s primary educator instead of pushing an agenda or ideology? Where can I find a clinician who will help me navigate fertility care or end of life issues without asking me to compromise my Catholic values? Where can I find a clinician who understands and is aligned with my Catholic values?
You are truly blessed if you have access to such clinicians near where you live. However for many people this just isn’t the case. Sometimes clinicians who are known in Catholic circles are completely booked out for months. Sometimes the nearest clinician you trust is a three hour car ride.
Telehealth Expands Access To Catholic Healthcare
One solution to this problem is the increased availability of high quality Catholic healthcare through telehealth. Healthcare rendered through telehealth is aided by high quality video conferencing technology, electronic prescriptions that can be sent to your local pharmacy, lab and imaging orders that can be sent electronically to your local lab or imaging center, and secured asynchronous messaging interactions with your clinician. This may sound complicated, but is it?
It is now commonplace to have video conferences with co-workers, family members, friends and doctors. Real relationships with real people are built online every day. Almost everything we do has an intersection with the online world. Shopping for clothes, submitting our taxes, filling out health forms and sending emails are just a few of the many online activities we do all the time.
Getting high quality Catholic healthcare through online telehealth is not much different than these everyday activities we already engage in. You are ready to go if you can fill out an online form, read an email and fire up your computer or phone’s built-in camera.
Catholic Telehealth In Action
And when it comes to Catholic telehealth, the real gift is that telehealth overcomes the geographic barrier that most Catholics have to getting faithful Catholic healthcare. For example, a Colorado patient struggling with PCOS could seek help from a Catholic ObGyn licensed in Colorado but who resides in New York.
Much of healthcare can be done over telehealth because the clinical knowledge, experience and diagnostic skills reside with the clinician who you will meet and interact with during your telehealth consultations. And much of the diagnostic information your clinician may require is easily obtained through your local lab and imaging center that are electronically connected to your clinicians health record system.
Are there limitations with telehealth? Yes, of course. But there are many many situations where telehealth works very very well.
Give Catholic telehealth a try next time you need a refill on your thyroid medication, or your child wakes up in the night with a cough and fever, or perhaps when you and your spouse are struggling to conceive.
There are many wonderful Catholic clinicians out there waiting for you.